Online Group Classes

Your French Teacher:

Nancy Pham

The purpose? Remove the language barrier and allow people to get the jobs they deserve.


Please reach out for private classes.

Get to learn and practice the beautiful – but difficult – language that is French. In a setting that makes it fun to come to class AND make you learn before you’ll even realize it.

What You’ll Get

1- Classes are online (I’ll send you a Zoom link and a calendar invite).

2- You’ll be part of a small group with other adults (2-6), so you can practice with others who are also learning. Sharing the journey with you 🙂

3- 1 class a week, 1 hour. (exercises are provided if you want to practice between classes)

4- 1 level for the Summer 2022 semester: Intermediate.

5- Each class includes a warm-up discussion. We then head into the class’s main topic and discussion. Depending on what I notice from what students say, I teach the appropriate vocabulary / grammar that affects what we say to correct the little mistakes.

Of course, you’ll get to have immediate feedback from me, the notes of the class, all while building a bond with fellow French learners!

The Cost

You can join the Summer 2022 semester for $206 for 8 classes.

Payable by Interac transfer to with the password being FRENCH.

The Level(s)

Intermediate Level:
Wed 7pm-8pm
Start date: May 4th 2022

This is for people who have a general understanding of the language, and can be understood (in general) by French native speakers who can guess what they are trying to say. Their grammar or choice of words can be improved.

For example, people who can start of a conversation in French but who end up switching back in English halfway through.

“You are awesome! I feel comfortable talking to you in French even when I know that I make mistakes and that’s what I love about the class. You encourage me to talk 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼”

Register to the Spring 2022 Semester today.